Your Autoresponder And Opend Emails Are Your Money

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Autoresponder Sequence, More Subscribers & Open Emails


We all know you need to build an email list for your business.
The money is in the list”, “The gold is in the list”, I completely agree.

To build it, however, you need a great squeeze page. You need a free offer that converts like crazy – something which turns your visitors into subscribers and captures their attention to the point where it is something they simply can’t refuse.

Having a large mailing list is all well and good, but if your subscribers never actually see what you are sending them then it means nothing. You need your list to be responsive. You need them to open your emails and hang on to your every word.


Writing A Good Autoresponder Sequence

You’ve got people to opt-in to your list and you are building a subscriber base. This is probably the single most important thing you can do in your online business, but, it you don’t follow it up with a good autoresponder sequence then you are pretty much putting all of your list building efforts to waste.

A good autoresponder sequence build a relationship with your subscribers. It, hopefully, gets them to buy from you and engage in what you are all about.

Many people get i wrong. They stack up the messages without giving much thought to what they are actually doing.

How to do it right:

  1. Put yourself in your subscribers shoes – Easier said than done, but do you really want to be receiving sales email after sales email each and every day? The first step towards writing a good autoresponder sequence is to put yourself in your subscribers shoes and think about what they would like to receive. What interests them? What will benefit them?
  2. Give content. Don’t just sell – It is funny thing but the truth is that the less you sell, the more you will sell. Give quality content in your autoresponder sequence and look out for your subscribers interests. Tell stories, give them helpful advice that they can put into action straight away without needing to buy anything.
  3. Carefully time your emails – Autoresponders let you space your messages in any way you wish. All you have to do for each message is to specify the number od days between that email and the last one. Try delivering them every day for the first few days, and then space them out a little longer after say the first week. Why? Because immediately after subscribing people are ‘hot’ about you and it is a great time to sell to them.
  4. Think about what they originally signed up for – Most people build their list by giving away some sort of freebie in return for the opt-in. A top tip for writing a good autoresponder sequence is to make sure that your emails relate back to the original thing they signed up to receive. If your squeeze page ‘bait’ was about blogging then they are obviously interested in blogging or they wouldn’t have subscribed.




How To Get More Subscribers To Open Your Emails

When I think about all the emails land in my inbox every day, there are certain people I especially look out for. If it is from a particular marketer then I will always read what they have sent to me, just because of who it is from….

How to build a relationship with your subscribers

  1. Give People a reason to open your emails – If all you do is sell, then people latch onto this pretty damn quickly. Even if they don’t unsubscribe in the first place they are highly unlikely to open your emails because they know that each time you are trying to sell them something. Give people a reason to open what you send. Of course you need to sell from time to time, but also provide good content that people can actually use. Make people look forward to receiving your email. You want people to see your name and think that they must open your email and read it because you almost send interesting emails with good content.
  2. Think about your subject line – Your email subject line is crucial in your guest to get more subscribers to open your emails. It really helps if you can either make people curious about the content or if you can convert the point of your email within the subject line. Both tactics can be effective – it depends on your target market, the style, and the type of email you are sending. I like to make sure that the subject line is relevant and related to the actual content.
  3. Consider the time – Spending emails on certain days and times  will yield much better results that others. Again, it all depends on your target audience and where they live. When will your subscribers be at their computers? Try different times and test to see which time work best for you. A lot of people take the opinion that Tuesday is a good day, however I have always found it pretty poor and the competition is massive! Find out what works fro you and don’t forget time difference. If you live in the UK but most of your subscribers are in Australia, for example, then don’t hit them when they will all be in bed. A good option is, if your autoresponder allows it, is to use the “time travel”, or the ‘perfect timing’ solutions.




Above all – give quality content and deliver to your subscribers content that you know they will enjoy. Take a look at other marketers autoresponder sequences. How do they do it?



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