You Should Have Both A Facebook Page & A Group Page

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The Value Of A Facebook Page & A Group Page

Thinking of setting up a Facebook page to promote and marketing your business? Wondering which page you should have, a Facebook Page or a Facebook Group page?

The answer is of course both. But in order to make the most of this strategy, you also need to understand what the top benefits of each are and how they are different.

There are many great reasons to create a Facebook Group for your business.
Facebook Groups are used by one billion people, and allow for a far more engaged and personal form of communication between brands and their customers.

But in order to make the most of this strategy, you also need to understand what the top benefits of each are and how they are different. Here are some key differences between Facebook Pages and Facebook Groups.



The Basic With Facebook Pages And Groups

The idea of a Facebook Page is to provide your business with a kind of shop window. This is a largely static page that includes a call-to-action, a description, a photo, etc. While your followers can post on your page, you are likely to do the majority of the posting and they will then comment on those posts or react.

The best feature of a Facebook Page, is that people can share the things you post and this will then promote those posts to their own social networks. If you share a great post through a Facebook Page, then this can end up spreading virally across all the different real-world social networks that are out there.


Facebook Group is different. A group does not allow people to share content to their networks and instead only lets them view or create posts. Most often, this is going to involve their reading what you have written or starting conversations with group members.

Facebook Groups posts are more often discussions with the community. These are assumed to be more personal and less advertorial, and as such they are also more likely to appear on the news feed with more prominence.

While a Facebook Page allows you to create content that gets naturally shared then and can include a call-to-action, a Facebook Group will allow you to reach more people with each post. It will also facilitate more conversation.

The question then is not which one you should use, but how you can better use the two together to maximum effect. A Facebook Page can be a great way to attract the attention of potential fans and followers, and you can then use this in order to get people to sign up to your Facebook Group page, which will allow you to discuss with them more directly and increase engagement to thereby drive more sales and build more loyalty and trust.



3 Ways To Keep A Steady Flow Of Content To Your Facebook Group

Facebook Groups are highly powerful marketing tools that can allow you to build an extremely engaged and loyal audience.
But while a Facebook Group is unique in the way it often gets used, it still requires content and discussion to provide value. People came to your group because they wanted to discuss a subject they are passionate about and learn more about it. If the group is empty, then they will leave.

One of the best ways to use a Facebook Groups is to share content you find on the web that you think your audience will be interested in. Ideally, this should be the kind of “higher caliber” content that only those that are extremely well-versed in the subject matter would be interested in –  the kinds of stuff that your shallower blog might not share.

  1. BuzzSumo – Let you find highly engaging and fascinating content and if you take some time every day to researching topics you will have content to share. On BuzzSumo you can type in any niche and get a selection of posts that are trending now on social media in that specific topic. This is an amazing strategy, because it lets you find content that you already know is capable of performing well on the platform.
  2. Posts From Members – There are many different settings you can tweak in your Facebook Group. One is to decide to allow members to post to your group or not. You can alternatively allow posts but require that all said posts are approved by a moderator.
    By allowing posts, you empower your members to share content and start discussions, thereby ensuing a steady flow of new content and information.
  3. Post Scheduling – Did you know you can schedule posts on Facebook? Write the post as you normally would, but instead of hitting post, hit the small clock icon next to that button. This way, you can choose when the posts goes live. If you know you are going to be busy, then spend a day researching great content and then just set it to go live at set intervals.




Settings You Need To Consider

When you start your page you need to think about the setting too. Go to the settings panel in your Facebook Group page and and edit the settings.

Here are some of the important options:

  • Linked Pages – The linked pages options lets you link your group page to your Facebook page. This is a useful tool as it will allow you to promote your group via your page – the group will appear at the top of the page. That in turn means that your Facebook page followers can instantly jump into your group.
  • Web Address – This is the URL for your Facebook Group. This is what people will see in their browser when they visit your group, and of course it also creates the option for direct traffic to visit your group simply vy typing in the address. Choose something that reflects the group name and brand, but consider that your web address is fixed once you pass 5,000 members.
  • Location – If you set a location for your group, then it will appear more prominently in local searches and might even be recommended to other users, depending on your settings. Choose a location then if your business is a local type of business.
  • Membership Approval And Pre-Approvals – This defines whether anyone can join your group, or whether you need to approve them first. Which you decide to go with will depend on the intent of your group. Are you planning on using this as a way to build a large following? Or do you want to keep it exclusive and make your group into a way to attract more engaged viewers? One option if you want to approve certain members and save yourself time, then you can use the ‘pre-approvals’ and that way set certain groups to be accepted into the group by default.




Wrapping Up

Make sure you are consistent by posting into you group. If you don’t have anything to post, don’t post garbage, post a quote with a picture etc.

If you not are consistent by posting and then when someone enters your group for the first time, they will think it is abandoned, or they will believe that the company simply isn’t interesting enough to be worth following.

Always provide value.



Interesting Post: Top Tips To Run A Successful Facebook Page


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