Top Tips To Get Your Emails Open And Read – Infographic

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Don’t Compare Yourself With Others



Do you struggling with getting your emails opened and read or even less people who click on the link in the email?

Do you compare yourself with others, what percent they have in Open Rates? Then you are not alone, it is natural for people to compare themselves to others.

But what is a good Open Rate and Click Through Rate?
It depends on your niche, but a 20% Open Rate is always good, and if 20% of your subscribers open your emails you should really be satisfied.


In the Infographic below are some statistics in Email Marketing and what to do to get  more engagement from your subscribers. 

What triggers them to open your emails and how to get your subscribers to actually read your emails.

Infographic – How To Get Your Emails Opened And Read

InfoGraphic - How To Get Your Emails Opened And Read


There are a few things you can do to get better Open- and Click Through Rate, and it don’t have to be so difficult.

Subject lines are very important for your open rate and if you want your subscriber to read your email it should be easy to read.

If you follow the tips and steps that been shown in the Infographic above, you will get better open rate and click through rate with your email marketing business.




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