How Hashtags Can Benefit Your Business

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How To Use Hashtags On Social Media – Infographic



There are many reasons why you should use hashtags on social media sites and if you use hashtags the right way it can benefit your business and even help you to build your brand. A hashtag can also help users to find your content faster and more easily, but if your abuse hashtags it can have a negative impact on your business.
Therefore it is important that you learn how to use hashtags on the different social media sites.

Which hashtag should you use? You should never just use a popular hashtag that not are relevant to your topic, this will in the long turn just lead to that other social media users not will trust you and you will lose your authority.
There are several platforms that let you search for popular hashtags, but an over use of a popular hashtag is not good too. You should also not overuse hashtags or spam with hashtags.


Hashtags On Twitter

Tweets with #hashtags get two times more engagement then tweets without.

According to HubSpot, Tweets with Hashtags get more ReTweets then tweets without.

Don’t use too many hashtags – Tweets with 1 or 2 hashtags have 21% higher engagement then tweets with 3 or more hashtags. And if you use more then 2 hashtags, engagement drops by an average of 17%.

Hashtags on Instagram

Instagram is the opposite to Twitter. Posts with 11 or more hashtags have the highest interactions. If you want to build a community on Instagram, you should use a lot of hashtags.

And according to AgoraPulse, the more hashtags a photo has, the more visible it is, the more visible a photo is, the more likely somebody else will like an talk about it.

But do not misuse hashtags on Instagram, just because you get the most engagement if you use 11 or more hashtags, it is not the same as you should misuse it. If you do it it can hurt your brand.

Hashtags On Facebook

Yes, you can use hashtags on Facebook. They works best if you use them in Facebook Groups, you will have a better result as if you just use hashtags on your personal page.
But too many hashtags can leads to less interactions as noted in the images below from SocialBakers. and because of their is no limited on how many hashtags you can use on Facebook, people have abused them.

Kaven Lee broke down all the key, data-backed recommendations for hashtags use across all the major networks, including Facebook, and the conclusion was; Facebook posts without a hashtag fare better then those with a hashtag.”

In a report from BuzzSumo 2016, where they have analyzed more then a billion Facebook posts from over 30 million brand Pages, they came to the exactly same conclusion – posts without hashtags generated more reach then those with tags added.

In the Infographic below, you can see more how you can use hashtags on Social Media Sites and how they can effect your business, positive and negative.



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